Friday, October 06, 2006

Will the Useless Nations Please Stand Up?

As North Korea once again stands to defy the international community one must ponder what America is doing paying billions of dollars to help sustain the UN, who seem to have absolutely no control over world events. When confronted with serious issues, these representatives from various nations sit around talk about passing meaningless resolutions that they are incapable of enforcing (e.g. Iraq being supplied weapons by France, Russia, and Germany) and grandstanding in front of the media. We have seen their repeated failures in Rwanda, Somalia, Oil for Food, the Sudan, and now countries trying to obtain Nukes. At what point do we realize that this organization dedicated to preventing war, genocide, and human rights abuses, can not fulfill its purpose, thus rendering it irrelevant. Take the Rwandan situation for example:

""Some 2,000 personnel from several countries, including France, United Kingdom, United States and Italy, had come to evacuate their expatriates and though they were stumbling on corpses, they remained firm in totally ignoring the catastrophe." - retired General Romeo Dallaire, former commander, UN mission in Rwanda.

Ambassador Gambari, who served as Nigeria's representative on the UN Security Council at the time of the Rwandan Ethnic Cleansing, acknowledged that "Without a doubt, it was the Council, especially its most powerful members that had failed the people of Rwanda in their gravest hour of need." He continued, "The controversy over the international community's culpability for its failure to prevent the genocide in Rwanda would not easily go away.""-AfricaFocus Bulletin May 2004

If the United Nations can't go in and stabilize third world nations like Rwanda with overwhelming military force and advanced technology, how can it ever declare itself capable dealing with nations like Iran, Syria, North Korea, and China? Answer- It can't!

It is time for the world to wake up and realize that America has few allies left that we can count on. We need to regroup and sever our ties with nations who would use the platform we give them to insult us, humiliate us, and sympathize with the enemies who want us dead. We should not give them more money and incentives to stop them from making nukes which they will just turn around and move the project underground (e.g. North Korea).
If my brother Mark believes that the most overpaid people in America are Democrat Strategists, then maybe he would agree with me that UN Ambassadors and staffers must be the most overpaid and useless people in the world.


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