Thursday, September 28, 2006

Who Wants to Fight America?

I LOVE this picture. It's a picture of members of the Iranian Air Force shouting Anti-US slogans during a prayer session last Friday. The best part about this picture is the enthusiasm, or lack there of, on the faces of these pilots.

These poor guys realize probably better than anyone else that their country is taking them down a path to war in which they will most likely be the first casualties. Allah have mercy...


At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well behaved women rarely make history, but they do seem to get the dinner done on time" -Mark W. Boniface


Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Although we don't agree, I appreciate all opinions. I like the way you've designed you blogsite.

Anyway, my hope is that all of those service our country will be coming home soon.

Take good care.

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me try that again

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Although we don't agree, I appreciate all opinions. I like the way you've designed your blogsite.

Anyway, my hope is that all of those serving our country will be coming home soon.

Take good care.

At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thanks for being such a good sport! Like you, a difference in opinion never stops me from listening. The day we do that, we stop learning."

I couldn't agree more. Actually, it made me smile since I'd just posted this article from a 1955 Women's magazine, "The Good Wife's Guide". Here's the link - then just click on the image to enlarge and you'll understand.


I still believe people have more in common regardless of party. Of course I could be living in a fantasy land, too.

Come back anytime.........

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Mboniface said...

For those of you who read the above comments, it landed me in hot water. I'll give you one guess who cooked dinner in the Boniface house last night!!


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