Friday, September 29, 2006

Liberal Dreaming

A recent study at John F. Kennedy University in California focused on the differences in dream patterns between liberals and conservatives, with some interesting findings. The study reported that liberals are more restless in their sleep, have more bizarre and surreal dreams, and are more likely to have fantasy settings and sexual encounters in their dreeams. Not suprisingly, the sexual encounters experienced in liberal dreams are more often with strangers, as opposed to conservatives whose sexual dreams normally consist of their current spouse or an ex. Conservatives were also noted as having more mundane and realistic dreams, and less nightmares overall.

What does this study mean? Mr. Kelly Bulkeley, who conducted the study, was quoted as saying,
"While some of my colleagues think my research reinforces the stereotype of repressed, uptight conservatives, it also shows that many liberals may he hanging on the edge of mental well-being".

Ladies and Gentlemen, I could have told you that without a scientific study...


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that’s a loaded post just begging for a response from a liberal.

First of all, sexual fantasy is a natural part of being human and to claim otherwise is simply not true. The association between fantasies and a healthy sex life is so strong that it's considered pathological not to have sexual fantasies.

Studies reported in Psychology Today show that, if anything, those that frequently fantasize are having more fun. They have sex more often, engage in a wider variety of activities, etc. which would keep the divorce rate down, don’t you think?

Attempts to identify a "fantasy-prone" type of individual have been unsuccessful. Even religious and political views provide few clues. Conservatives have just as many fantasies as liberals—(shocking) despite the fact that, according to one study, nearly half of conservative Christians feel sexual fantasies are "morally flawed or unacceptable."

Conservatives aren’t being honest if they choose to deny something that just comes natural to everybody.

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to agree being a conservative Christian that having sexual fantasies about anyone other than my wife is "morally flawed and unacceptable," especially by my own personal standards.... and nothing is wrong with that belief.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Mboniface said...

A agree with brian b. The study states that Conservatives do in fact have sexual dreams, they just differ from liberals in the sense that liberals' sexual dreams usually involve encounters with strangers or multiple partners.


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