Monday, October 09, 2006

Seeds of War: Part II

With North Korea defying the international community this weekend by allegedly testing it's first nuclear weapon, the World became a MUCH more dangerous place. Let me be clear about this, North Korea has NEVER developed a weapon system they did not seek to export. Just this week they delivered an upgraded Surface-to-Air Missile Radar system to Syria, a known supporter of terrorism.

Now, I don't own a crystal ball, but if North Korea did indeed test a nuclear weapon and is not dealt with immediatley, we will see a major World city, possibly even a US city, nuked in the next ten years. Why all the doom and gloom? I'll give you three reasons:

(1) Our so called allies continue to support our enemies. The biggest reason North Korea has been able to get this far with their nuclear arms has been because China refuses to pressure the regime. The UN security council is being defanged on the North Korea issue by China. Will things change now that North Korea has detonated their first nuke? Not likely... Watch any attempt to pressure North Korea in the upcoming months be watered down by the Chicoms. Not forgetting about Iran, the Ukraine recently sold Iran ten advanced anti-aircraft systems designed to shoot down American stealth aircraft. If our "allies" continue to arm dangerous regimes, terrorism will become increasingly technologically sophisticated.

(2) Terrorists are already obtaining advanced technology. When Isreal waged war against Hizbullah last month, the world was shocked when a Chinese C-802 anti-ship cruise missile slammed into the side of an Isreali ship. Where did the terrorists get such advanced technology? The answer is Iran. The "Axis of Evil", now comprising only Iran and North Korea, are being propped up by countries like China and Russia, who seek to undermine the United States' status of sole superpower in the world. Does anybody really think that nuclear technology will not filter down to these terrorist through regimes like North Korea and Iran? Iran's leader believes that his sole purpose on Earth is to bring about Armageddon. North Korea's leader is clinically insane...

(3) As my brother pointed out while I was away, the United Nations, and Europe specifically, do not have the will to do what needs to be done. Even with China and Russia propping up these dangerous regimes, we can move forward with the support of Europe. Europe, however, continues to take the route of appeasement. Without international support, the United States may not be able to go it alone, but we have to try. To not face these threats head-on with decisive action will further embolden the Iranian regime in their quest for nuclear weapons. A strong response to North Korea may be the wake-up call the Iranian people need to stop their President from taking them down a path of destruction.

As I've said before on this BLOG, stopping North Korea would not be difficult, but it would be costly. The price to destroy the regime would be about 30,000 American lives and the 12 million South Korean lives that live in Seoul. Regardless of the action we decide on, we should pull our 30,000 troops (who have been called nothing more than a tripwire) out of South Korea. As for what South Korea should do, start running bombing raid drills because your "sunshine" policy with the North doesn't seem to be working...


At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have one really big problem with confronting Iran and North Korea militarily...the American people. If we were to attack either country, and we all know that would lead to war, then we would lose the support of the majority of Americans for our current administration. It is a NO WIN situation. The liberals and anti-war croud would sway enough voters over to effectively place the Democrats in the White House and Congress, thus resulting in "all for show" military actions decided by poll results.

What a quandry this government finds itself in. Do the right thing and you hand over the reins of government to the correctly termed "cut-and-run" party. Inaction results in doing possibly more physical harm to the country down the road.

There are a few Democrats that see the harm in not taking action now. Among them are Joe Liberman...ohh wait, he's now an independent...and Senator Hillary Clinton. Problem is that their voters won't listen to them and the liberal left will attack them like a steak in a lion's den.

So what do we do??? Well, Kim Jung Il is not as crazy/insane as you think. He, like most dictators, is all about self-preservation. He rules with an iron fist to keep himself in power. He is no different than Stalin, Hitler, or Saddam Hussein. And he thinks we are coming after him like we did to Saddam...only thing is that the average Iraqi was a lot less brainwashed than the average North Korean. The North Koreans have been brainwashed to a point the modern world has not seen before...more so than the Japanese in WWII. So we need to cut the heads off the North Korean snake and be prepared to feed its people. This will be the cost to the American people...humanitarian assistance to an impoverished nation. Unlike Iraq, there would be no religous based insurgency, and if the Japanese and South Koreans are any example...I think the culture of honor in their people might lead North Korea to eventually re-unify with the South.

Capture and try the leaders of North Korea for crimes against humanity...they are already well documented.

As for Iran, there is no easy answer there. It would be another insurgency if we invaded and we would have to stay the course there as well.

The average American is tiring of war. They don't see the "big" picture and prefer to procrastinate as we did pre-9/11. Without the support of a majority of Americans, we cannot succeed.

Pray for this administration and all our countries decision makers right now. These are HUGE issues and ones that can have dire and catastrophic consequences if handled incorrectly. Time will tell and history will judge what the right path was.

At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at these details and questioning to myself why countries like China and Russia would arm our enimies leads me to one conclusion...They want the US destroyed but don't want to be the ones to do it just yet. Anyone who has ever played chess knows that there is no better feeling than sacrificing a pawn for one of your opponents power players. The world is a chess board, the US vs. Russia/China and their pawns, North Korea/Iran/Syria, are stronger than ours...Europe.

Now I am not saying that we should sacrifice our European Allies, but again, anyone who has played chess before knows that pawns can be used to put pressure on power pieces, as well as traping them from gaining any forward momentum by backing them up to cover each other.

The biggest problem with the International Community, it is that too many are afraid of rolling up their sleves and getting their hands dirty because they fear criticism and making the wrong decision. That is not leadership.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Mboniface said...

The answer is to strike North Korea. In the interests of our own preservation and that of our allies. The humanitarian good that would come to the North Korean people is an added benefit. I have faith in the American people that for doing the right thing, they would not punish the country's leadership.

I feel strongly that the Democratic attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the Iraq War is bordering closely on treason. My disgust at the political posturing is enough to make anyone a cynic, but we have to believe in the system. As long as our country continues to do what is RIGHT instead of what is POPULAR, we will prevail.


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