Wednesday, October 11, 2006


With North Korea and Iran actively defying the international community with their pursuit of nuclear weapons, Americans once again face a very difficult decision regarding the use of force as a tool for diplomacy. Will the American people have the will to fight? This question worries me...

Since the 1960s and the Vietnam anti-war movement, American society has drastically changed the way they view war. The slogans that ruled the day have become ingrained in the American psyche. We teach our children that "violence doesn't solve anything" and that "all wars are bad". Is this a healthy perspective for our children to grow up with? The answer is NO.

By teaching our children and fellow citizens that force is not a legitimate answer to problems, we remove from them the responsibility that all good people have to combat evil where they find it. The converse of force is responsibility. Not only the responsibility to use this force wisely, but the responsibility to use it when necessary! Some people may wince at such talk about good and evil, but that is what it boils down to folks. There is real evil in this world. This evil seeks to supress the freedoms of your fellow men and women and sooner or later will seek to do the same to you. Whether this evil uses Islam or communism as the driving force behind this suppression, those who have the authority to act have the responsibility to act to prevent this.

We must teach our children that there is a time to talk, and there is a time to fight. We must teach them the responsibility that comes with having the ability to act. We must instill in them the values that made this country great, so that when the time comes, they do what is right, not what is politically expedient. What we cannot allow is for them to do nothing, because that is all evil needs to take a foothold in this world.

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At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it again and still feel the same way...what now? My parents taught me the same things they taught you.

I was never taught that violence doesn't solve anything (you can attest to that) or that all wars are bad.

I don't teach my children that either.


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