Saturday, November 11, 2006

What a Week!

What a week! Republicans lose control of both the House of Representatives as well as the Senate and controversial Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld resigns shortly after. As the news pundits on every channel race to give their analysis of this weeks events, I find myself unable to resist the temptation to do the same. So here you go folks, here is a US serviceman's post-election analysis:

First off, the election was NOT a referendum on Iraq. The Democrats employed a two prong strategy to win Congress. Their liberal leaders (Dean, Pelosi, Kerry, and Clinton) campaigned against Iraq and used it as a central issue in energizing their liberal base to get out the vote. But the big winners in the tight races were not the extreme left wing Ned Lamonts, it was so called "conservative" democrats (if there is such a thing). The democrats who won control of Congress ran primarily as moderates and conservatives. But here's the catch, now that they have control, it is the liberal wing of the party that will have the coveted leadership positions within the House and Senate.

The republicans, on the other hand, were unable to energize their conservative base, who feel betrayed over issues like immigration and uncontrolled spending. The straw that broke the republican's back was the leadership's inability to effectively police their own, leading to various ethical scandals that have further alienated conservatives. In the days leading up to the election, the radio waves were filled with conservative talk show hosts criticizing the republicans. Conservative radio listeners called in expressing anger that the republicans had strayed so far from their conservative principals. Many even talked about punishing the republicans by not voting at all. And punish them they did...

Are you ready for the silver lining? Gridlock! I never quite understand how so many people talk about gridlock like it's a bad thing. The government that governs least governs best folks. The less laws that are passed by Congress (especially a democratic Congress) the better for the American people. The democrats will overplay their hand, try to pass higher taxes and a socialistic domestic agenda, and will ultimately destroy their chances at a 2008 Presidency. When the moderate and conservative democrats who tipped the scales in Congress last week go back home in 2008 they will have to answer to their constituents for the liberal policies that will be pushed through Congress in the next two years. Lets hope Bush's veto pen has plenty of ink in it. Even if it doesn't, the Bush administration will undoubtedly pave the way for a true conservative candidate for the republicans in 2008.

I have one more thought about the elections. Did anyone notice who else claimed victory last week other than the democrats? That's right, Al Qaeda and Iran. The Ayatollah Khamenei called U.S. elections an "overwhelming victory for Iran" and Al Qaeda mocked the "lame duck" President Bush and vowed to blow up the White House. The elections last week were a good indication that the terrorists think they are winning the war. Not the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, but the war against the will of the American people...


At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed you capitalize the term "Democrat" but not "republican". Get it Right pal.

2008 Will bring our next Democrat president to go along with this Democrat controlled Congress; nothing will get done then either.


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