Monday, February 05, 2007

Ten Reasons to be Scared

Just in case your aren't paying attention, I've been nice enough to compile a list of ten things in the news lately that should scare you and why. Here goes:

1) Tom Cruise has recently been hailed the "Christ of Scientology" by the wacko cult's leaders. As a Christian, I was deeply offended by the mental images this conjured up of Jesus crawling around Oprah Winfrey's couch like a deranged moron. Sorry Mav, I think you're gonna crash and burn on this one...

2) Sex Offenders on the loose. Seriously, what is the deal? What further proof do the American people need that the liberal solution of rehabilitation not incarceration is a failed experiment. KEEP THESE SICKOS LOCKED UP!! I cannot believe that my children will one day not be able to ride their bike around the neighborhood without parental escort. They should tag these guys like wild animals with GPS tracking devices after they serve MAXIMUM time in prison.

3) Hillary Clinton running in 2008. Is she seriously a candidate? I find it hard to believe she has anything but her best interest in mind.

4) Immigrants... The Governator Arnold is now giving unemployment to illegal aliens who were effected by destruction of 85% of the citrus in California after a deep freeze out here. What a scam, our tax dollars funding illegal immigrants not being able to pick fruit... If illegals are going to be getting government benefits, scrap the income tax and adopt a consumption tax Arnie, at least then they will be paying into the system they are taking from.

5) Same issue but on a federal level. Most of you are unaware that congress last year voted to allow illegal immigrants access to social security. I know, you don't believe me, but that does not negate the fact that it happened. Social Security, simply more proof that the government is incompetent...

6) Polls... Wow, where to start. Everyday we are subjected to poll numbers about what percentage of Americans believe this or that. That in itself is not scary. But I'm slowly coming to the realization that the average American is an idiot. How can you not? There are only so many episodes of American Idol tryouts you can endure before realizing that maybe Democracy isn't such a good idea... What qualifies the opinions of the majority of Americans? Most people can't even tell you that America is a Republic, not a Democracy. Kinda scary when we have politicians basing their decisions on poll numbers... The best indicator I think you can have on the state of the American public is who our children's role models are. With multi-million dollar sports stars and teen rehab queen Lindsey Lohan being the answer, GOD HELP US!

7) What's the deal with UFO sightings lately. Over the last three weeks there has been a rash of sightings across the United States including: South Carolina, Arkansas, Hawaii, Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. All people reported seeing the same thing, a ball of fire or lights streaming across the sky and in some instances changing direction and assuming formations. Now, I'm not a UFO enthusiast, but when this many people see weird stuff in the sky all over the country, I would like an explanation. So maybe it isn't scary, but it's definitely strange...

8) The deranged apocalyptic President of Iran revealed today that Iranian scientists have found an "herbal" cure for AIDS. Before you guys go buying season six of Sex in the City and moving to San Fran, I'd be a little hesitant of a cure coming from Iran. I'm 90% sure the "herbal" cure will turn out to be Hemlock. Meanwhile, if you still want a cure for AIDS, it's called prevention, and the good news is that the drug companies can't charge you for it!

9) Ehren Watada, an Army Lieutenant who recently refused to serve in Iraq, based his argument on his assertion that the war is illegal and immoral. Now, I'm tired of telling this to people who refuse to educate themselves regarding issues they claim to have a position on. The United Nations resolutions were violated by Saddam Hussein 17 times. Enough said... As for immoral, liberals don't believe in immorality. They are rigid deconstructionists who believe in moral relativism, not morality.

10) Although number ten on my list, this is one of the biggest threats facing America today. We live in a culture of weakness. We teach our children that fighting is wrong and that their self-esteem is paramount. We've gone so overboard with our culture of tolerance that nothing is perceived as wrong these days. We make it illegal to spank your children (California) but encourage medicating them. We force third graders to watch videos on homosexuality (New Jersey) without parental consent. If we teach our children that fighting is never the answer, we will inevitably raise a generation of victims. Sometimes fighting is morally imperative. A clear sign of this weakness is today's public debate around the war in Iraq. Most people are ready to withdraw troops from there and call it quits. Why? Because America has become weak. It is this very weakness that encouraged Bin Laden to attack the United States in the first place. Our withdrawal under Clinton from Somalia led Bin Laden to the conclusion that America is a "paper tiger". I hate to agree with somebody like Bin Laden, but he's right. Let me make this clear though, America is not a paper tiger due to any weakness in it's military, it is a paper tiger because of the will of the American people. Americans need to educate themselves beyond the 6 o'clock news and take a stand for what is truly right, which includes the elimination of murderous dictators around the world. Since when has saving millions of lives become immoral. The War in Iraq may be a mess, but it is our presence there that is preventing it from being an unmitigated disaster. There's more on the line there than the media lets on. When American forces withdrew from Vietnam, over 1 million South Vietnamese payed the price with their lives. Lets not make the same mistake by withdrawing prematurely from Iraq.

So there you have it, ten reasons why I think you should be scared...