Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Illegal Scholars

Hold on to your tax dollars, there's a new motion from the left coast sitting on the desk of time travelling cyborg assassin turned California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The law would allow illegal aliens to apply for and recieve government funded financial aid for college!

This is nothing new to California. The disease that attacks and eventually kills common sense has been sweeping across Southern California since the first cases broke out in San Francisco 40 years ago. The growing question of immigration has been a source of contention in the Southwest for many years. Everything from granting amnesty for every illegal immigrant in California to allowing illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses. Right here in San Diego, the ACLU brought a suit against Border Patrol Agents in 2004 for racial profiling for illegal aliens. Those crazy Border Patrol Agents conducted a sweep of Southern California looking for illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol, meanwhile, vigorously denied conducting the search based on race. What was the search criteria then?!? If you are looking for illegal Mexican immigrants, shouldn't you check those people who look Mexican?

The problem with the immigration situation in the Southwest United States is twofold. First, we have no control of our border, which is allowing ANYONE who wants to cross to do so relatively easily. When a Nation can no longer control it's own borders, those borders will eventually erode, and pose a grave national security threat. We already have whole towns in the U.S. where the official language is Spanish and immigration laws have been erradicated by a town government made up of, you guessed it, illegal immigrants. The second problem is now that there are so many Mexicans in Southern California, lawmakers are too afraid for their political careers to get tough on border issues. It's a losing issue for any California politician and is quickly becoming a political hot-potato for national lawmakers who are looking to the fastest growing minority population in the US for votes.

Immigration has always been a part of The United States heritage. The strength of America has always been it's ability to bring together people of all races, ethnicities, and religions under the guiding light of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The American dream we offer is one of freedom to carve out a life for yourself, free of unwarranted persecution. The answer is not to seal off the border to Mexicans looking to make a future for themselves, the answer is to control our Southern border and make sure that those coming across are not only doing so legally, but are being checked to make sure they do not pose a threat to our security. In the meantime, lets not spend our tax dollars to subsidize those who don't even pay taxes.


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