Friday, September 01, 2006

Democrats Lack Offense

With football season fast approaching, I've spent countless hours pouring over who my fantasy picks will be this year. My first priority, of course, is picking a Running Back. A good running game is essential to winning ballgames. By running the football, you control the tempo of the game. It allows you to wear down the opposing defense and keep the ball on the enemies side of the 50 yard line. Don't get me wrong, I like the "Shock and Awe" of a Peyton Manning style air attack as much as the next guy. Throwing the ball allows you to pick apart the opposing defense and score quick points, but as soon as the dust settles, your back on the defensive.

With the 5th year anniversary of September 11th fast approaching, the talking heads will be busy giving the American people their assessment on how we're doing in the War on Terror. The Democrats, especially those who voted for War in Iraq, will tell the American people that the War was a mistake and that the Bush administration is failing the US in the War on Terror. They will tell you everything that they think the Bush Administration has fumbled in the last five years, but what they will not offer you is a solution.

In the last five years, the United States has driven the ball across the enemies 50 yard line and kept THEM on the defensive. We've controlled the tempo for the War on Terror for the last 5 years, not the terrorists! We've done this by putting our troops on the ground there and fighting for every yard. The enemy counted on a Clinton style surgical airstrike against selected targets. They weren't ready for the running game, and we took the initiative. When listening to the talking heads next week, recognize one thing. The Democrats don't have an Offensive plan for the War on Terror!! We are only two quarters into this war and the ball is on the terrorist 40 yard line. The Democrats want to punt the ball and play Defense until 2008. Lets support our troops, stay on the offensive, and put one in the endzone!


At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said lil' brother.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You keep writing articles like that and you will be writing for the Washington Times in a few years! Loved the analogy.


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